
Beyond Busy: A Theological Vision of True Leisure

Our culture commodifies time, but moments of genuine rest can become encounters with true reality. Through five theological principles—gift, freedom, contemplation, Sabbath, and anticipation—we discover that leisure isn't about escaping reality but about entering more deeply into it, where we encounter our true identity as beloved children of God rather than mere productive units.

Ignatian Basics


Imagine Advent

Pray with the Advent gospel readings using your imagination.


Jesus’ Approach? Trust Over Control

While institutions often create complex rules to protect "simple" people, Jesus did the opposite: he kept the law simple while honoring human complexity. His radical approach trusted people's capacity for growth and authentic relationship with God, offering core values rather than elaborate regulations.


The Fear & Greed Index?

Fear and greed are powerful drivers in our financial lives, but the Gospel calls us to a different way of relating to money and possessions. Ignatian spirituality and Catholic social teaching can inspire us to make choices rooted in love, solidarity, and trust in God’s abundance.

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Kids Journal

This guide will offer you a process and framework for discerning a particular decision using the approaches and prayer methods in the Ignatian tradition.


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