
Andy Otto is available to speak or present to your group, parish, or conference! He enjoys speaking on a variety of spirituality themes, especially Ignatian spirituality, discernment, and prayer. Whether your context is a group of young adults preparing for transition from university, a Theology on Tap seeking to learn about the practicality of Ignatian spirituality, or an adult faith formation group looking to host an Advent or Lenten reflection evening, Andy may fit well with your needs. He engages through deep reflection, personal anecdotes, and enjoys drawing out hidden themes from scripture. Andy is more than happy to tailor a presentation to the particular needs of your group.

Learn more about Andy.

Andy Otto has the gift of taking potential ‘heady’ topics Ignatian spirituality and bringing them down to earth and making them understandable to a wide audience. Andy shows people the way to have an intimate relationship with God by looking to Jesus as our model to bring God into all aspects of our lives. In my work as a spiritual director, I share his writing frequently on discernment. He is a colleague that I follow his work closely because I always have much to learn from him!

Becky Eldgredge

Author, The Inner Chapel


  • Finding God in the everyday: Ignatian spirituality teaches us that we have a deeply personal God who communicates with us through our feelings, life experiences, and other people.
  • Discernment and purpose: God’s “desire” is perhaps better language than God’s “will”. Andy can speak about how to tap into God’s desires for us and being informed by our own desires, leading us to discover our purpose and role in God’s project.
  • Prayer: Andy is always seeking new ways to connect with God, just like hanging out with a friend. Aside from the Examen, a great foundation, there are limitless ways to build a friendship with God.
  • Freedom: On the spiritual journey toward God, all of us are growing. Sometimes we need to let go of certain things, attachments, or patterns of thinking that inhibit that journey. This is an important theme in Ignatian spirituality.

After religiously listening to Andy’s podcast for the last two years, I invited Andy to facilitate two keynote presentations to seventy Catholic educators at Marist schools in Australia. I believe being open to change and growth are crucial aspects of authentic Christian formation, as they can create vulnerable life-changing moments of encounter. Andy has a unique gift to accompany people to moments of encounter, and his ability to integrate Christian tradition and Scripture with temporary examples of faith during his presentations assists his audience to  encounter Christ.

Edwin Bakker

National Coordinator, Marist Youth Ministry, Australia


  • Evening talk with or without visual presentation
  • Day of reflection
  • Weekend retreat
  • Advent or Lent reflection
  • Engaging personal talk to young adults with Q&A
  • Conference style presentation

Andy worked with our team to plan a three-day parish mission. He worked hard to blend our La Salette charisms with Ignatian spirituality, complimenting both without losing each unique path to God. Andy has the ability to lead gently while delivering a powerful message. He was at once thoughtful and engaging, knowledgeable and down-to-earth, deeply spiritual and practical. He set a beautiful tone for the rest of Lent for our parishioners.

Stephanie Holden

Program & Ministry Formation Coordinator, Catholic Church of St. Ann, Marietta, GA


15 + 9 =

Andy Otto brings a refreshing contemporary approach to Ignatian spirituality. While steeped in the traditional wisdom of Ignatius emanating from his Jesuit formation, Andy has a remarkable capacity to adapt Ignatian concepts and language to 21st century experience. Furthermore, Andy’s passion is infectious. His excellent communication skills encourage people to engage in Ignatian style conversation and learn how to trust their own experience of relationship with God and discernment of spirits in everyday life. This is helpful given our turbulent times in church.

Liz Kerr

Director, Faber Centre of Ignatian Spirituality, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia