Prayer Resources

Doing Nothing Often Leads to the Very Best Something

In the 2018 film Christopher Robin, we see Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin standing on a bridge chatting. Christopher Robin asks Pooh what he loves doing best. "Going to see you," he replies. Christopher agrees but then says, "What I like doing best is nothing."...


We tend to long for stability, yet there is a deeply rooted need for change and diversity. This can be illustrated by a scene in the movie Pleasantville.

Take, Lord, my understanding

Life is far from understandable. So how can we find some solace when we find ourselves, once again, saying “I don’t understand!”? Saint Ignatius says we must not surrender just our wills to God but also our understanding.

Everyday Imagination

Dream what God has in store for you. The Exercises call us to engage our imagination as we step into a deeper relationship with God.

Feelings and Emotions: Be Curious in Prayer

Ignatius tells us that feelings are important guides in the spiritual life. How do we discern what feelings are telling us? How do we know they are leading us to God? Be curious.

Seeing the Whole

It’s important to look at a piece of the jigsaw puzzle, but we must also know its context. In the spiritual life we must widen our gaze and see more of the whole picture.

The Grace I Seek (Morning Meditation)

A morning meditation on asking God for a grace. (Companions evening meditation)

Uncovering the Movement of God

How do I hear God’s voice? How do I know what God wants me to do?

Another Story from the Bar

An experience at a speakeasy put me in touch with the spirituality of the senses, all five of them.

Exercising the Real: Spiritual Direction as Encounter

This is a post in a blog series on spiritual direction. This week's blogger is Stephanie Clouatre Davis. I went to my YMCA last week to try a new exercise class. When I got there I walked past the collection of people gathering for the class because I was intimidated...

Prayer is an invitation from God, inviting us into relationship with God. It gives us a chance to take part in the story of creation, have an effect on the world, be involved in its God-story, and most importantly, reflect on how we contribute. These resources hope to reveal the infinite facets of prayer, the many ways we reach God, and how God reaches into our lives: in love, with words, in silence, seeking our desires, at different times, in different places.

Textual Prayer (prayer with the daily readings)

Sacred Space (guided prayer with daily scripture, from the Irish Jesuits)

Jesuit Prayer Index (from Xavier University)

Give Us This Day (monthly publication with prayers and Mass readings)

How to Practice Lectio Divina (prayer with scripture)

Your Own Spiritual Exercises (a prayer practice using a journal)

Reimagining the Examen

Audio Prayer

Audio Meditations and Examens from Ignatian Resources / God In All Things

Pray-As-You-Go (from the British Jesuits)

Daily Disconnect (from the Carmelites)

Insight Timer

Ritual app


These can be found in the iOS and Android app stores. The links below will take you to the iOS App Store.

Pray-As-You-Go (from the British Jesuits)

Insight Timer

Ritual app

Reimagining the Examen

3-Minute Retreat (prayer with the daily readings)

Sacred Space (guided prayer with daily scripture, from the Irish Jesuits)

Helps for Prayer

Building a Prayer Habit

Helps for Prayer (large list of helpful prayer resources and explanations from John Veltri, SJ)