In November Lifetime premiered a new reality show called The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns. The six episode series follows five young women discerning to enter the religious life as they visit three different orders of sisters over six weeks. I had the chance to chat with Stacey Jackson, one of the five young women, about her own journey of discernment and the experience on the show, as well as where she finds God in her life, the church, and in her art.
Stacey shares some news on where God’s leading her next.
You can listen to the full interview by clicking play below. (Or read the transcript.)
- Watch full episodes of The Sisterhood here.
- Stacey’s lay intentional community, Domus Porta Fidei
- Stacey’s creative business: Dollface
- Discerning religious life or some other big decision? Get some resources here.
Music by Kevin MacLeod
podcast cuts off in middle – right after question about discernment
Hi Maureen,
If you’re listening to the player at the bottom of the page, it loads as you listen to it so perhaps it stalled. I checked and the mp3 is fully intact. Try reloading the page (or downloading the mp3 directly here: You can also try playing through the SoundCloud player toward the top of the page.
I loved your interview with Stacey and I loved the show. I sat yesterday after reading the information you shared about the show and watched the whole series. After awhile my husband joked ~ now you want to be a nun. Well seeing I’ve been married for 48 years and I just turned 69, that of course was NOT the point. Watching God work through these women both the the nuns and the discerners was very inspiring for me. My response to my husband was “no God wants me to be right here right now as your wife doing the best I can attentive to the grace I am offered.” He was a bit blown away by my answer and had no joke reply for which I was extremely grateful. I am a seeker. I am a sinner. Yet, I am loved completely by the amazing God of all. My desire is to be awake, aware and attentive to God’s will for me. Thank thank you for this web site and your insights. Kathy
So glad you loved the interview! The greatest insight about discernment is realising how God works with us as individuals, calling us, prompting us, and nudging us to something even greater. I would have loved for us to talk more about discernment not just from the place of religious life, but regarding life’s other hard decisions! But, the focus was on Stacey’s vocational journey. Blessings to you and your husband in your marriage. Keep that attentiveness awake and alive!
Thank you Andy~ truly enjoyed it! 🙂
Thank you for this podcast. I had wondered how Stacey’s discernment had continued to play out after the show is over. And I wonder that about the other young women too … I loved the series. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the “staged” boyfriend arrival, although the questions that arose were ones that they needed to find answers for. The intentional community also sounded interesting, so I am going to check that out.