Ignatian Basics

Ignatian Basics

If you’re new to Ignatian spirituality or simply seek to deepen your understanding of its principles, you’ll find below some posts to basic elements and themes from the Ignatian tradition.

The First Virtue: St. Ignatius on the Power of Gratitude

The First Virtue: St. Ignatius on the Power of Gratitude

Gratitude forms the cornerstone of Ignatian spirituality, establishing the proper relationship between the gift-giver God and humans as recipients rather than takers. This fundamental orientation shapes our entire spiritual life, fostering virtues like humility and generosity whilst providing a powerful antidote to anxiety and negativity.

Cura Personalis

Cura Personalis

How do we practically understand and live the Ignatian concept of ‘cura personalis’? This is a talk I recently gave for the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Seattle.

Consolation & Desolation

Consolation & Desolation

Consolation and desolation are key to discerning God’s movement in your life, but these terms are easily misunderstood.

Ignatian Spirituality and Memory

Ignatian Spirituality and Memory

It is human nature to engage memory in bettering ourselves. Memory is an integral part of Ignatian spirituality and a primary way God speaks to us.

The Discernment of Spirits – Part 1

The Discernment of Spirits – Part 1

How do we know the voice of God from the voice of the evil one? This is the first part of a three-part series on Ignatius’ Rules for the Discernment of Spirits.

Election (The Ignatian Kind)

Election (The Ignatian Kind)

Why do we treat important decisions like products, as if we’re “buying” an “add-on” for our life? True Christian discernment ought to be about “selling” and casting off false masks.

The Call of the King

The Call of the King

Christ is calling you to change the world, and you have a specific role. How would you respond?



Desires are so important in discovering who you’re meant to become. God speaks to us through our desires. Here’s a bit more on this important Ignatian principle.

Your Own Spiritual Exercises

Your Own Spiritual Exercises

You don’t have to be Saint Ignatius to create your own spiritual exercises. The story of Ignatius and his notebook in Manresa and steps on how to keep your own.



Repetition in prayer is very Ignatian, so why not for a real lived experience? Going back to a place or situation may reveal something deeper.



Magis is about freedom and restless desire for greater things.

The Ignatian Way: Contemplative in Action

The Ignatian Way: Contemplative in Action

How can you be a contemplative in action? Rest and reflection! A reflection on Mark 6:30-34 using the Ignatian method of stopping, resting, reflecting, and then going back to work. It’s a must in any faith life.

Dreams & Imagination

Dreams & Imagination

Two of Disney’s cornerstones are dreams and imagination. What do they have to do with the spiritual life?

Agere Contra

Agere Contra

Saint Ignatius knew our human tendencies well. He was a lover of the world and fell easily into lust and vanity. The pulls he felt toward such things he called the "evil spirit". We can tend to stick with what's comfortable and known. This autopilot can get us into...

Kids Journal

This guide will offer you a process and framework for discerning a particular decision using the approaches and prayer methods in the Ignatian tradition.


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